playing some ideas..
Dec 29, 2008
Dec 27, 2008
就分手了(就微笑了 张栋梁)
你的离开 我会否快乐
只要一句 你还在乎我
就分手了 亲爱的
就分手了 亲爱的
你的离开 我不会快乐
就分手了 亲爱的
就分手了 亲爱的
It can’t be true
Oh my love
你的离开 我会否快乐
只要一句 你还在乎我
就分手了 亲爱的
就分手了 亲爱的
你的离开 我不会快乐
就分手了 亲爱的
就分手了 亲爱的
It can’t be true
Oh my love
Dec 25, 2008
Dec 24, 2008
Dec 23, 2008
Dec 22, 2008
Leann Rimes-LR
LR:How do I live without you
F:I want to know
LR:How do I breathe without you
F:If you ever go
LR:How do I ever
LR+F:Ever survive How do I How do I How do I live
X:在你身边只觉自己懦弱 没勇气把爱说出口 苦痛默默承受
F:爱你藏在我的心已很久 等你的主动
F+X:其实我和你 有同样的梦
X:我爱你不想让你给伤害 多少伤害
F:So, how do we live
X:How do we live
F+X:How do we live together
F:How do we live
X:时间教我俩分离的时候 它告诉我 珍惜拥有 我却让你溜走
F:我明白当默默等待以后 只会伤与痛
F/X:我伤痛守候 他怎能感受/你伤痛守候 我却看不透
X:那一刻方知你是我最爱 要你回来
F:So, how do we live
X:How do we live
F+X:How do we live each other
LR:And tell me now
X:每一夜愿守候你心回来 痴心等待
F/X: 或许只是愚昧的爱/或许不是愚昧的爱
F:So how do I live
X:How do I live
F+X:How do I live without you
X:Without you
F+X:决定我们勇敢去爱 在这一刻得到真挚的爱 在这一生我们永久的爱
F: So how do I live
X: How do I live
F+X:How do I live without you
LR: How do I breathe without you
Dec 19, 2008
这几天,我把酒当作了逃避现实的工具,不想在现实中醒过来,因为自责让我感受到无比的痛苦。然而,她却默默地陪伴着我,依然天天为我准备食物。她的等待却换来我冷情的对待,一地已摊冷了的食物,已变成鸟兽的食物了。一场梦惊醒了我,那场梦里,我独个儿在岛上,身旁没有任何人,只有一群对我虎视眈眈的野兽,那种害怕的心情,比死还来得难受。我醒来后紧紧把身边的她抱住,眼泪失控地往下流个不停。‘别再离开我了!’ 抱着她,我感觉到心中充满著安全感,心里感到很轻松,舒服,不知觉安然地在她怀抱中睡了过去,一晚也就这样过去了。我竟然没想到,这一晚可就是我看见她的最后一次。醒来后,不见她,也找不了她,心沉郁闷,心挂挂地,开始担心起她来了。直到我看见桌上的项链和纸张的几行字,我的心跳突然停了,感觉到像给一把剑刺入心底。 ‘别为我留恋,忘记我吧!我会过得好好地。你始终不属于这里,回到你原来的地方吧!这可能是你最好的选择。’ 我握起她的项链,全身一软,跌倒在地上,头上冷汗直流,眼泪也随而流下来了。
半年也这样过去了,你恢复了你以前精神的模样,你那美丽的笑容也回来了。原来我的陪伴,就是你心灵的解药。我应该感到高兴,但我却无故多了一点担忧,我深怕自己给了你太多的依赖性,如果没有了我,你又会是怎么样呢?这半年,我给你 都是最好的。我尽心让你感觉自己是幸福的,你要的,我给了,你想做的,我如你所愿。 可是,我发觉我 给你的喜悦,换来的却是独自的心痛,一种无奈,说不出的难过。我尝试去接受,麻痹自己依然爱你,可是内心却感觉自己都在弥补自己的过错,在补偿而不是真心为你付出的。想要磨灭自己的罪恶感,让自己好过些,但原来于事无补,受伤的还是自己。
一天又一天,一天又一天,等待的那一天到了,她确实回来了。我们看到对方,情不自禁的拥抱了起来,泪水仅仅失控落下,我拉起你的手,紧紧的,深怕自己再一次让你给丢了。“不要离开我了。我要照顾你一辈子,我要让你有好的未来。请给我一次机会。好吗?”“你还会想她了吗?”“ 会,会想她,但我不会再爱她了,不会了。”“那如果,你再一次失忆,忘了我呢。”“我。。”“好了好了,等有如果再说,但现今,你要对我好好的,哪怕你有日你忘了我,我也不会怪你,曾经爱过你,我已足够了。”“曾经爱过我?你是想离开我吗?”“ 傻瓜,不是啦。我又怎么舍得你为我难过呢。”深情的一吻,结束了我们的相思,却开始写开了我们另一度的爱情故事。甜蜜,幸福,快乐,都会写在这故事里。
Dec 5, 2008
直到有一天,在我见她的第三十三天,我被她发现了,她向我走来。一步一步的慢慢走到我面前,与此同时,我心的节奏也一次一次的加快。在我面前时,她停了步伐,同样的我,感觉已经停了心跳。她以一副生气的模样,责问了我一句:“你干嘛每天盯着我看?你干嘛每天跟着我?”她没等我回答已转身走了。我第一个念头就想追出去,但我追到出去时,脑里一片空白,不知该说什么好,冲口说了句:“对不起!我不是故意的。” 糊涂了,我明明就知道每个女子都不喜欢听‘对不起’。 这三个字,因为它是一句逃避现实的借口,我竟然说了,真该死!在后悔着说错话时,我没想到她突然回头抱着我哭了,也觉得很奇怪她为什么会哭。那时,我发觉平时戴在她颈上的项链不在了,再加上她哭的神情,我才知道原来她失恋了。我也明白她为什么在这个时候哭了,大概她想起男友分手时对她说过的‘对不起’ 吧。我的‘对不起’会激起她的伤心事而让她哭,但可能她的一哭会让她舒解压力,心里好过点。
直到有一天,在我见她的第三十三天,我被她发现了,她向我走来。一步一步的慢慢走到我面前,与此同时,我心的节奏也一次一次的加快。在我面前时,她停了步伐,同样的我,感觉已经停了心跳。她以一副生气的模样,责问了我一句:“你干嘛每天盯着我看?你干嘛每天跟着我?”她没等我回答已转身走了。我第一个念头就想追出去,但我追到出去时,脑里一片空白,不知该说什么好,冲口说了句:“对不起!我不是故意的。” 糊涂了,我明明就知道每个女子都不喜欢听‘对不起’。 这三个字,因为它是一句逃避现实的借口,我竟然说了,真该死!在后悔着说错话时,我没想到她突然回头抱着我哭了,也觉得很奇怪她为什么会哭。那时,我发觉平时戴在她颈上的项链不在了,再加上她哭的神情,我才知道原来她失恋了。我也明白她为什么在这个时候哭了,大概她想起男友分手时对她说过的‘对不起’ 吧。我的‘对不起’会激起她的伤心事而让她哭,但可能她的一哭会让她舒解压力,心里好过点。
Dec 4, 2008
Love Infection
Title of Project:
The movie title is Love Infection.
Project Description:
It is about a love story with either a ghost movie or a psycho movie. It is depends on the point of view of audience. It is starts with a simple story but end with a conflict condition which having a guess of whether a ghost story or psycho story. It is intention to let audience have more possibility thinking on ending, and the ending can be fulfill with the own adjustment of desire. The infection is either use in the boy character or the girl character in different point of view.
Inspiration of Project:
Dream and Real- Many of the arguments of dream actually concern on real. And actually it is not a scientific logic, so dream is just can say as miserable. In this movie, I will like to put it in as a fact, which is dream really concern with the real, it is the prediction of real.
A Fool brings Death- Fool can causes many affects, so death may be one of them. Accident can cause by fool, and death can cause by accident. So, it can be linked. This idea actually comes from a Chinese movie called Love Note of Soul. An unintentional joke causes the real death. I use this idea on the movie.
Different in Blind and No blind- This actually I get the idea from a haunted movie See Ghost. From that idea, many possibilities can be made. If human got eyes, then sure will rely on eyes, if human blind, then the hearing and feeling will represent the eyes. So, different of sensation will have different of perception.
Talking with nothing- The idea comes from the Chinese movie Secret. Something that can see by you but not other, cannot be explain. And not sure is it exists. It is a good idea in movie.
Psycho and Ghost- The illusion of a psycho or the seeing of ghost a normal person can be a dilemma. It is actually plays on the true and false. One is logic, one is not logic, it depends how you think of. Believe, then it is true. I put it as a question mark in the movie, answer can be either way.
Character: J & C
J & C are a married couple. They live together.
Scene 1
C suicide jump from building. It is just a dream of J.
Scene 2
J and C are sleep on bed. J awake from dream. J holds C hands.
J: Are you alright? Promise me no matter what happens, don’t try to suicide.
C: I’m okay. I think you just have a dream.
J: I had these dreams 3 times already, so..
C: Don’t think too much, it just a dream.
C switches on the light and mopping the sweat on J’s fore head with tissue.
C: Since I have no more parent, you are suppose to take care me well oh, if not I will complain on your mum.
Alarm rings. They prepare to go for their work.
Scene 3
J fetch C go to work by a car. The car stops outside the main entrance of a building, C’s working office. C opens the door car, get out the car and wave with J.
J: Later take lunch together okay.
C shuts the door car. J drives away the car to the opposite building, J’s working office. The two office building is divided by two main roads.
Scene 4
J is sitting on his office chair. A colleague walk to him, says to him the boss is finding him. J walk to the boss room, knock on the door. J opens the door, and get inside the room. Shut the door. Boss points J and scolding him about the job J done is wrong. J cannot explain whose fault but he knows that is not his problem.
Scene 5
J and C are lying on bed. J talks about today get scold by the boss. J says someone does wrong but he get the fault.
C: Sorry, is me. I’m the fault, forgive me please. Haha!
J: You are really good in console people, is right to choose you as my wife.
C: You got many choices oh? Huh!
J: Many choices you are my only right choice.
C punches on J’s heart.
C: Liar!
Scene 6
J suicide jump from building. It is just a dream of J.
Scene 7
J and C are sleep on bed. J awake from dream. C awake and ask what had happen. C switch on the light and mop off the sweat on J’s fore head with tissue. J says he dream himself suicide this time. It is different with before. J think there may b something may happen. Because of the dream change, J asks C to take care herself more.
Scene 8
J fetch C go to work by a car. The car stops outside the main entrance of a building, C’s working office. C opens the door car, and wants to get out the car. J catch C’s hand and hold it tight.
J: If human won’t die so good, I can hold your hands forever.
C: Think twice, my hands is not easy to hold.
Scene 9
J is sitting on his office chair. A colleague walk to him, says to him the boss is finding him again. J walk to the boss room, knock on the door. J opens the door, and get inside the room. Shut the door. Boss points J and scolding him about the job J done is wrong. Boss tells J to redo the document and pass up at 4pm, don’t think can eat the lunch. J begins to rush his work.
Scene 10
Phone rings. C calls J.
C: My boss sharing me some cakes, so, you can come here and have it as your lunch with me.
J: Sorry, a bit busy. You have your lunch yourself, okay?
Scene 11
Phone rings again. C calls J. C crying in the phone.
C: I am going to..suicide, I..want to see you the last time.
J: I will sad if you do so.
The phone is cut off. C is the one who cut off it. C talks to the cut off phone.
C: You just drink Milo in the morning, I’m sure you will hungry now. Don’t blame me trick you here, it is for your own good.
C’s colleague sees that and says C treats his husband so good, so admirable.
Scene 12
A loud sound come from outside. C go to the window and see, a car knock down J on the road. C quickly run out the office, press the lift button. The lift didn’t open yet, C run to the staircase, run down the staircase. But accidentally fall down from it.
Scene 13
C situated in hospital. Her eyes are bind with cotton. Actually she fall down from staircase and damage her eyes. But not a serious condition, will recover on few days. C shouts.
C: Where is J? Where is J? Why I can’t see.
J holds her both hands and speaks softly to her.
J: I’m here. I’m here. No worries.
J’s mother come in, having tears on her face, tells C not to worry, everything will be fine.
C: J, let me touch your face.
C wants the protection of J, she feels alone when she can’t see anything.
J’s mother taking C’s hands and says to her, better have a rest.
Scene 13
J’s mother walk out the room, and ask the doctor whether it is a problem if C keep having illusion of his son J. Doctors explain actually it is normal for a person if lost her lover will got a period of imagine her lover. Actually J is actually died on the accident that time.
Scene 14
Few days later, C can take off the binder of her eyes. She didn’t see J at there. J’s mother tells the truth of her son died. She argue that she keep on talking with him when her eyes bind. But after hearing J’s mother says, and then think of actually J’s mother didn’t talk to J also. Then she accepts the truth and cries a few days. She is sad and down.
Scene 15
3 months later, C driving a car on road. She gets rid of a girl and she knocked the face to face car. She fainted. When she is awake she is no damage at all. She feel surprise and she think that J is here. She walk back home.
Scene 16
C lying on bed and keeps on mumbling. She thinks too much and lastly falls in sleep.
Scene 17
C suicide jump from building. And she are no hurt, she is falling on J’s body. It is just a dream of C.
Scene 18
C comes to the top of building. C keeps on asking.
C: J, come out. I know you are here. I know if I jump you sure will rescue me. Please come out before I jump, because I really scare to jump. You should never let me scare right?
The rescue team is come. Stand far away from her.
J: I will sad if you do so.
C hears J’s talk. She suddenly stops at there. The rescue team takes chance to get her out of the place.
Scene 19
C is caught in a psycho room. Her hands are bind. She is mumbling. J is smiling with her, combing her hair with his hands.
The movie title is Love Infection.
Project Description:
It is about a love story with either a ghost movie or a psycho movie. It is depends on the point of view of audience. It is starts with a simple story but end with a conflict condition which having a guess of whether a ghost story or psycho story. It is intention to let audience have more possibility thinking on ending, and the ending can be fulfill with the own adjustment of desire. The infection is either use in the boy character or the girl character in different point of view.
Inspiration of Project:
Dream and Real- Many of the arguments of dream actually concern on real. And actually it is not a scientific logic, so dream is just can say as miserable. In this movie, I will like to put it in as a fact, which is dream really concern with the real, it is the prediction of real.
A Fool brings Death- Fool can causes many affects, so death may be one of them. Accident can cause by fool, and death can cause by accident. So, it can be linked. This idea actually comes from a Chinese movie called Love Note of Soul. An unintentional joke causes the real death. I use this idea on the movie.
Different in Blind and No blind- This actually I get the idea from a haunted movie See Ghost. From that idea, many possibilities can be made. If human got eyes, then sure will rely on eyes, if human blind, then the hearing and feeling will represent the eyes. So, different of sensation will have different of perception.
Talking with nothing- The idea comes from the Chinese movie Secret. Something that can see by you but not other, cannot be explain. And not sure is it exists. It is a good idea in movie.
Psycho and Ghost- The illusion of a psycho or the seeing of ghost a normal person can be a dilemma. It is actually plays on the true and false. One is logic, one is not logic, it depends how you think of. Believe, then it is true. I put it as a question mark in the movie, answer can be either way.
Character: J & C
J & C are a married couple. They live together.
Scene 1
C suicide jump from building. It is just a dream of J.
Scene 2
J and C are sleep on bed. J awake from dream. J holds C hands.
J: Are you alright? Promise me no matter what happens, don’t try to suicide.
C: I’m okay. I think you just have a dream.
J: I had these dreams 3 times already, so..
C: Don’t think too much, it just a dream.
C switches on the light and mopping the sweat on J’s fore head with tissue.
C: Since I have no more parent, you are suppose to take care me well oh, if not I will complain on your mum.
Alarm rings. They prepare to go for their work.
Scene 3
J fetch C go to work by a car. The car stops outside the main entrance of a building, C’s working office. C opens the door car, get out the car and wave with J.
J: Later take lunch together okay.
C shuts the door car. J drives away the car to the opposite building, J’s working office. The two office building is divided by two main roads.
Scene 4
J is sitting on his office chair. A colleague walk to him, says to him the boss is finding him. J walk to the boss room, knock on the door. J opens the door, and get inside the room. Shut the door. Boss points J and scolding him about the job J done is wrong. J cannot explain whose fault but he knows that is not his problem.
Scene 5
J and C are lying on bed. J talks about today get scold by the boss. J says someone does wrong but he get the fault.
C: Sorry, is me. I’m the fault, forgive me please. Haha!
J: You are really good in console people, is right to choose you as my wife.
C: You got many choices oh? Huh!
J: Many choices you are my only right choice.
C punches on J’s heart.
C: Liar!
Scene 6
J suicide jump from building. It is just a dream of J.
Scene 7
J and C are sleep on bed. J awake from dream. C awake and ask what had happen. C switch on the light and mop off the sweat on J’s fore head with tissue. J says he dream himself suicide this time. It is different with before. J think there may b something may happen. Because of the dream change, J asks C to take care herself more.
Scene 8
J fetch C go to work by a car. The car stops outside the main entrance of a building, C’s working office. C opens the door car, and wants to get out the car. J catch C’s hand and hold it tight.
J: If human won’t die so good, I can hold your hands forever.
C: Think twice, my hands is not easy to hold.
Scene 9
J is sitting on his office chair. A colleague walk to him, says to him the boss is finding him again. J walk to the boss room, knock on the door. J opens the door, and get inside the room. Shut the door. Boss points J and scolding him about the job J done is wrong. Boss tells J to redo the document and pass up at 4pm, don’t think can eat the lunch. J begins to rush his work.
Scene 10
Phone rings. C calls J.
C: My boss sharing me some cakes, so, you can come here and have it as your lunch with me.
J: Sorry, a bit busy. You have your lunch yourself, okay?
Scene 11
Phone rings again. C calls J. C crying in the phone.
C: I am going to..suicide, I..want to see you the last time.
J: I will sad if you do so.
The phone is cut off. C is the one who cut off it. C talks to the cut off phone.
C: You just drink Milo in the morning, I’m sure you will hungry now. Don’t blame me trick you here, it is for your own good.
C’s colleague sees that and says C treats his husband so good, so admirable.
Scene 12
A loud sound come from outside. C go to the window and see, a car knock down J on the road. C quickly run out the office, press the lift button. The lift didn’t open yet, C run to the staircase, run down the staircase. But accidentally fall down from it.
Scene 13
C situated in hospital. Her eyes are bind with cotton. Actually she fall down from staircase and damage her eyes. But not a serious condition, will recover on few days. C shouts.
C: Where is J? Where is J? Why I can’t see.
J holds her both hands and speaks softly to her.
J: I’m here. I’m here. No worries.
J’s mother come in, having tears on her face, tells C not to worry, everything will be fine.
C: J, let me touch your face.
C wants the protection of J, she feels alone when she can’t see anything.
J’s mother taking C’s hands and says to her, better have a rest.
Scene 13
J’s mother walk out the room, and ask the doctor whether it is a problem if C keep having illusion of his son J. Doctors explain actually it is normal for a person if lost her lover will got a period of imagine her lover. Actually J is actually died on the accident that time.
Scene 14
Few days later, C can take off the binder of her eyes. She didn’t see J at there. J’s mother tells the truth of her son died. She argue that she keep on talking with him when her eyes bind. But after hearing J’s mother says, and then think of actually J’s mother didn’t talk to J also. Then she accepts the truth and cries a few days. She is sad and down.
Scene 15
3 months later, C driving a car on road. She gets rid of a girl and she knocked the face to face car. She fainted. When she is awake she is no damage at all. She feel surprise and she think that J is here. She walk back home.
Scene 16
C lying on bed and keeps on mumbling. She thinks too much and lastly falls in sleep.
Scene 17
C suicide jump from building. And she are no hurt, she is falling on J’s body. It is just a dream of C.
Scene 18
C comes to the top of building. C keeps on asking.
C: J, come out. I know you are here. I know if I jump you sure will rescue me. Please come out before I jump, because I really scare to jump. You should never let me scare right?
The rescue team is come. Stand far away from her.
J: I will sad if you do so.
C hears J’s talk. She suddenly stops at there. The rescue team takes chance to get her out of the place.
Scene 19
C is caught in a psycho room. Her hands are bind. She is mumbling. J is smiling with her, combing her hair with his hands.
Reflection: Secret
The movie Secret is the 1st directed movie by Jay Chou in 2007. This movie awarded the 44th Golden Horse Award 2007 of Best Visual Effect, Outstanding Taiwanese Film of the Year and Best Original Film Song. The main characters who are starring in this movie are Jay Chou himself, Kwai Lun Mei, Anthony Wong, and Alice Tzeng.
Ye Xiang Lun, a school transferred music student, met a girl name Lu Xiao Yu by hearing the piano she played. He was attracted by her and her music and he tends to know this girl. The story continued with a simple love story which they started. Riding bicycle together, tickle to each other, hiding from the rain together, walking on beach together, having cheers on ice-cream, playing piano together, dancing together, kissing and etc. He also had a piano duel for a piano manuscript, for her. But, unfortunately, a mislead kiss of him with another girl, Qing Yi is seen by her. The mislead cause her disappear from him, from the school, and from the class also.
He met her back once after 5 months, but a hand lace of Qing Yi, on his hand, made another mislead. It caused her to disappear again. In the same time, he heard from friends, he actually dancing with nothing in the party and not her. He referred back his memory, actually every scene he with her seems like just he himself doing all the things. He was frightened and suddenly a scary scene, he saw the liquid was writing on table itself, asking whether he love her or not. He went to her house, her mother told him she already died. Her mother saw his face same as the drawing her daughter drawn 20years ago. And found that she misunderstood her daughter was crazy, which saying she was ever travel to future and met a man in there. He asked his father for information since his father was the teacher of her. His father said she ever told him about could travel to future, but thought that she was over thinking. She was laughed and isolated by her classmates.
Actually she was right; she could travel to future and pass by a secret way. Which was the time when the music of the Secret played by this piano, she could do that. After travel to future, everyday the 1st who she met would get a chance of seeing her. In order to let the man, Ye Xiang Lun, who she 1st met on 1st time and she liked, able to see her, she counted on 108 steps to the classroom everyday before opening her eyes. She enjoyed loving him, but till she saw the mislead kiss and hand lace, she was hurt. She thought, in future, he betrayed on her; in her time, no one believed her. And she was suffered on her disease also, she felt painful and sad. So, she died after wrote the liquid on table of whether he love her or not.
After Ye Xiang Lun heard from father about her, the day of the graduation day, also the piano room demolished date, he thought whether he could travel to past using the last chance before the piano demolished. He finished played the song and he really travelled to past, which the Lu Xiao Yu was still alive, and knew her once a time. But he cannot travel back to his time again, since the piano was demolished. A photo of graduation was showed that he was gone to the past then.
I like this movie very much. It is unique, creative, complex and yet a nice movie. Even repeat seeing it, it still very nice. I think it has combine romance love story, family love story, ghost story, sci-fi, and mystery story. A simple logic story turns to confuse with not logic one and lastly turn to complex but logic condition. Overall actually doing well, many scene and matter were an intention to do that. Two different characters, two different times, two different backgrounds play important role with continuity and timeline. It is actually let me think of the movie ‘Frequency’. The well cut between two different timing is done, and didn’t make confuse at last. Got one scene he flashback the scene on his memory, it is combined by few scene and with a well join. The scene of piano room changing time to time, it uses the computer effects to help; it creates a good visual experience. This happens to the piano duel scene too. The movie actually joining many cut on long shot, medium shot, close-up shot, very smooth and also plays well on the direction to shot, he apply a excellent skill to the shots. The movie is put on 25 background songs, and these songs is attached well in movie, no distract but increase the mood, it effort to brings audience into movie. Jay Chou’s piano’s melody able him to show his talent also.
Tankang Middle School: Jay Chou previous middle school, he uses it on movie because of memorable time and place for him.
Frederic Chopin: Jay Chou admires him, so he included it inside movie. The lesson on class which teach, the paintings of Chopin and his wife, the Chopin’s manuscript, and the songs he played in the piano duel of Chopin’s Waltz and Black Key Etude.
The intention scenes Jay Chou created in movie to explain and make real on the movie about travel to time:
The movie Secret is the 1st directed movie by Jay Chou in 2007. This movie awarded the 44th Golden Horse Award 2007 of Best Visual Effect, Outstanding Taiwanese Film of the Year and Best Original Film Song. The main characters who are starring in this movie are Jay Chou himself, Kwai Lun Mei, Anthony Wong, and Alice Tzeng.
Ye Xiang Lun, a school transferred music student, met a girl name Lu Xiao Yu by hearing the piano she played. He was attracted by her and her music and he tends to know this girl. The story continued with a simple love story which they started. Riding bicycle together, tickle to each other, hiding from the rain together, walking on beach together, having cheers on ice-cream, playing piano together, dancing together, kissing and etc. He also had a piano duel for a piano manuscript, for her. But, unfortunately, a mislead kiss of him with another girl, Qing Yi is seen by her. The mislead cause her disappear from him, from the school, and from the class also.
He met her back once after 5 months, but a hand lace of Qing Yi, on his hand, made another mislead. It caused her to disappear again. In the same time, he heard from friends, he actually dancing with nothing in the party and not her. He referred back his memory, actually every scene he with her seems like just he himself doing all the things. He was frightened and suddenly a scary scene, he saw the liquid was writing on table itself, asking whether he love her or not. He went to her house, her mother told him she already died. Her mother saw his face same as the drawing her daughter drawn 20years ago. And found that she misunderstood her daughter was crazy, which saying she was ever travel to future and met a man in there. He asked his father for information since his father was the teacher of her. His father said she ever told him about could travel to future, but thought that she was over thinking. She was laughed and isolated by her classmates.
Actually she was right; she could travel to future and pass by a secret way. Which was the time when the music of the Secret played by this piano, she could do that. After travel to future, everyday the 1st who she met would get a chance of seeing her. In order to let the man, Ye Xiang Lun, who she 1st met on 1st time and she liked, able to see her, she counted on 108 steps to the classroom everyday before opening her eyes. She enjoyed loving him, but till she saw the mislead kiss and hand lace, she was hurt. She thought, in future, he betrayed on her; in her time, no one believed her. And she was suffered on her disease also, she felt painful and sad. So, she died after wrote the liquid on table of whether he love her or not.
After Ye Xiang Lun heard from father about her, the day of the graduation day, also the piano room demolished date, he thought whether he could travel to past using the last chance before the piano demolished. He finished played the song and he really travelled to past, which the Lu Xiao Yu was still alive, and knew her once a time. But he cannot travel back to his time again, since the piano was demolished. A photo of graduation was showed that he was gone to the past then.
I like this movie very much. It is unique, creative, complex and yet a nice movie. Even repeat seeing it, it still very nice. I think it has combine romance love story, family love story, ghost story, sci-fi, and mystery story. A simple logic story turns to confuse with not logic one and lastly turn to complex but logic condition. Overall actually doing well, many scene and matter were an intention to do that. Two different characters, two different times, two different backgrounds play important role with continuity and timeline. It is actually let me think of the movie ‘Frequency’. The well cut between two different timing is done, and didn’t make confuse at last. Got one scene he flashback the scene on his memory, it is combined by few scene and with a well join. The scene of piano room changing time to time, it uses the computer effects to help; it creates a good visual experience. This happens to the piano duel scene too. The movie actually joining many cut on long shot, medium shot, close-up shot, very smooth and also plays well on the direction to shot, he apply a excellent skill to the shots. The movie is put on 25 background songs, and these songs is attached well in movie, no distract but increase the mood, it effort to brings audience into movie. Jay Chou’s piano’s melody able him to show his talent also.
Tankang Middle School: Jay Chou previous middle school, he uses it on movie because of memorable time and place for him.
Frederic Chopin: Jay Chou admires him, so he included it inside movie. The lesson on class which teach, the paintings of Chopin and his wife, the Chopin’s manuscript, and the songs he played in the piano duel of Chopin’s Waltz and Black Key Etude.
The intention scenes Jay Chou created in movie to explain and make real on the movie about travel to time:
1, Lu Xiao Yu count on her steps to classroom before open her eyes.
2, Qing Yi talks with Lu Xiao Yu during the piano duel.
3, Lu Xiao Yu brings Ye Xiang Lun go up the house roof to see sea view, didn’t get into house.
4, Lu Xiao Yu get into the cupboard, but didn’t catch by teacher.
5, Lu Xiao Yu says she haven eat that kind of ice cream before, cone ice cream.
6, Ye Xiang Lun ask Lu Xiao Yu’s name but Qing Yi answers.
7, Lu Xiao Yu always absents on class.
8, Lu Xiao Yu says she ‘go back’ also plays fast with the piano.
9, Lu Xiao Yu likes old song.
10, Lu Xiao Yu says their met is miracle.
11, Lu Xiao Yu says the music cannot be told, is a secret.
2, Qing Yi talks with Lu Xiao Yu during the piano duel.
3, Lu Xiao Yu brings Ye Xiang Lun go up the house roof to see sea view, didn’t get into house.
4, Lu Xiao Yu get into the cupboard, but didn’t catch by teacher.
5, Lu Xiao Yu says she haven eat that kind of ice cream before, cone ice cream.
6, Ye Xiang Lun ask Lu Xiao Yu’s name but Qing Yi answers.
7, Lu Xiao Yu always absents on class.
8, Lu Xiao Yu says she ‘go back’ also plays fast with the piano.
9, Lu Xiao Yu likes old song.
10, Lu Xiao Yu says their met is miracle.
11, Lu Xiao Yu says the music cannot be told, is a secret.
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